Associate Prof Anoop Enjeti (MBBS, MD, FRCP (UK), FRCPA, FACP, FASCP, MClin Epid (Mol Genetics), GradCert Bioethics, PhD) Senior Staff Specialist Haematologist/Conjoint Associate Professor University of Newcastle
Conjoint Associate Professor Anoop Enjeti is a clinician researcher conducting clinical trials (co-operative groups) and laboratory-based research at Calvary Mater Newcastle. He has over 43 publications and has obtained > $3 million in research support funding, including a recent NHMRC Ideas grant exploring novel drug targets in Leukemia.
Associate Prof Enjeti is the clinical lead for leukemia and myelodysplasia (pre-leukemia/ MDS) clinical trials at Calvary Mater Newcastle and MDS trials lead for ALLG (Australasian Leukemia and Lymphoma Group) where he is developing a national platform trial concept. A focus on low intensity or oral therapies led to a trial, with Associate Prof Enjeti leading at Calvary Mater Newcastle as part of an International effort, resulting in US FDA approval of Venetoclax in older myeloid leukemia patients.
Associate Prof Enjeti has successfully supervised Masters (1) PhD students (2) and is currently supervising 2 PhD and 2 post-doctoral fellows, and has supervised one masters and one PhD student to completion. He works closely with Associate Prof Lisa Lincz at Calvary Mater Newcastle and Associate Prof Nikki Verrills (Cancer Research Group, University of Newcastle), working on novel therapeutic strategies in myeloid leukaemia.
Associate Prof Enjeti lead the state-wide molecular haematology service run out of Newcastle (NSW Health Pathology, John Hunter Hospital) and is the Director of Haematology Division (NSW Health Pathology, Hunter). He is on the Board for Education and Assessment in Haematology for the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia and chief examiner for Haematology. He is also the President of the Thrombosis and Haemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Research Areas
Haematological malignancies, translational diagnostics, microvesicles, health system changes
Publications / Achievements
Associate Prof Enjeti is the clinical lead for the Translational Haematology Research Program, a collaborative program involving the Calvary Mater Newcastle, University of Newcastle, Hunter Cancer Research Alliance and NSW Health Pathology. His translational haematology research program links discovery, diagnostics, health system changes and early phase clinical trials to improve the outcomes for patients with blood diseases in regional Australia and beyond with both health and knowledge impacts.
He has over 45 publications and has obtained > $3 million in research support funding, including a recent NHMRC Ideas grant exploring novel drug targets in Leukemia.
More information about Associate Prof Anoop Enjeti’s academic achievements and publications can be found here: