Dr Ingrid Berling

Dr Ingrid Berling (BMed, FACEM, Dip Grad Clin Tox, PhD) Emergency Medicine and Clinical Toxicology Staff Specialist


Dr Ingrid Berling has been conducting research in the department of Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology at Calvary Mater Newcastle since 2011. Her main focus in research is acute poisoning, particular the cardiac impacts of drugs in overdose, such as QT prolongation and sudden cardiac death. She has recently completed her PhD on QT prolongation in mental health patients: contributory factors and clinical significance.


Emergency Medicine / Clinical Toxicology

Research Areas

QT prolongation in poisoning, antipsychotic medication, toxicovigilance, development of collaborative works within ED

Publications / Achievements

Dr Berling is currently working on a systematic review of QT prolongation in acute poisoning. She is leading an international collaboration in the development of guidelines for the management of QT prolongation due to acute poisoning. She had recently investigated MDMA related deaths in NSW, with particular interest in the setting of use, and is now looking at hydrocarbon related presentations and deaths.

More information about Dr Ingrid Berling’s academic achievements and publications can be found here:


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