Researcher Engagement

In 2018 the Calvary Mater Newcastle Research Development and Engagement (ReDE) Committee was formed. The focus of the committee is clinician and community engagement, professional development, education and training, media, events, donations and bequeaths.

The purpose of the committee is to:

  • Support and further develop the capacity for research in Calvary Mater Newcastle
  • Enhance the profile of current research in Calvary Mater Newcastle
  • Strengthen the performance and quality of research in Calvary Mater Newcastle
  • Encourage new researchers, including junior staff, to participate in research
  • Sustain an organisational commitment to support and develop research roles
  • Ensure governance arrangements which promote accountability and responsibility for research conducted at Calvary Mater Newcastle

Research and Teaching Annual Reports

Clinical Fellowship Program

Calvary Mater Newcastle staff are eligible to apply for the HNE Clinical and Health Service Research Fellowship Scheme, which has been set up to position for the future by facilitating multidisciplinary innovation, education and research. It is recognised that evidenced-based health care and improved patient outcomes are intrinsically linked to both clinician conduct of research and the translation of research evidence into health care policy and practice. The Fellowship Scheme is a capacity building program to support clinicians to undertake clinical and health service research.

Conjoint Appointments

Calvary Mater Newcastle is a teaching hospital with affiliation to the University of Newcastle. We support our clinicians to have conjoint academic positions with the university and this is done through the School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH). Applications for conjoint status occur in January and June of each year and are approved for a period of three years. If you are interested in applying for a conjoint appointment please contact Calvary Mater Newcastle Clinical Dean A/Prof Tim Walker. For more information please click here.

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