Medical Oncology

Medical Oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with understanding cancer that has spread or can’t be treated with surgery or radiation therapy alone. To help people with advanced cancer, we use tests like scans and blood tests to understand where the cancer is, what kind of cancer you have, what treatments might help and whether treatment might control the cancer or possibly cure the cancer. We also work with you to control the symptoms of cancer.

Calvary Mater Newcastle has one of the busiest adult cancer treatment teams in NSW for medical oncology. We provide treatment with injections and tablets. Treatments including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted and hormonal therapy for all types of cancers.

Medical Oncologists work within large multidisciplinary teams; we work with other doctors like Radiation Oncologists, Surgeons, Haematologists, and Palliative Care Physicians, but importantly also with Cancer Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. We bring together a wide range of skilled professionals aiming to deliver the best available care for people with advanced cancer, within one integrated cancer centre.

Medical Oncology Research (MOR) is an integral part of the Medical Oncology Department. MOR is made up of a large clinical trial unit (MOR Trials) and an established research laboratory (MOR Experiments)

Our Researchers Medical Oncology Research Trials (MOR) Laboratories

Assoc Prof James Lynam
Clinical Director

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